Golf & Tennis Elbow
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Summit Health Group takes elbow joint issues into account with the regenerative treatment we offer for both Golfer’s Elbow and Tennis Elbow. Golfer’s elbow is a condition where pain radiates from the tendons of your forearm muscles that are attached to the bony edge on the inside of your elbow. People who regularly move their wrists or clench their fingers repetitively are prone to developing Golfer’s elbow. Although golf is one hobby that can trigger Golfer’s elbow, it can be aggravated by a number of daily activities that require you to place strain on your forearm.
Tennis elbow is a condition that that occurs when tendons in your forearm muscles are heavily exerted by repetitive motions of the wrist and arm. Repeated motions to the tissue can cause tears in the tendons in these muscles and agitate the symptoms of Tennis elbow. Despite its similarities to Golfer’s elbow (inflammation in the tendons connected to the elbow), the pain in Golfer’s elbow is internal while the pain in Tennis elbow is usually felt externally.
Causes for Golfer’s elbow are tied to damage to the tendons that control wrist and finger movement after excess or repeated stress from forceful wrist and finger motions. Errors when performing recreational activities such as lifting, throwing or hitting, or a lack of a proper warm-up or conditioning exercises can also lead to the development of Golfer’s elbow. Sports and recreation such as golfing, racket sports, weight-training and throwing sports can cause Golfer’s elbow, but occupational movements in fields such as construction, plumbing and carpentry can agitate symptoms.
With Tennis elbow, the causes are linked directly to overuse and muscle strain injury from repeated contraction of the forearm muscles. Tennis players can be afflicted by the condition; but anyone whose occupation requires them to move their elbows in repetition can develop this condition. Occupations such as plumbing, painting, construction, cooking and repetitive computer mouse use are associated with this disorder. Any situation that involves using the repeated motion of a backhand stroke or elbow motions can become the catalyst to developing Tennis elbow.
Symptoms of Golfer’s elbow include:
Pain and tenderness felt on the inner side of elbow, sometimes extending along the inner side of forearm
Soreness that intensifies with certain movements
Stiffness in the elbow
Weakness in the hands and wrists
Numbness or tingling in one or more fingers
Symptoms of Tennis elbow include:
Aching of the outside of elbow
Difficulty in gripping or lifting
Discomfort and weakness may make daily activities such as shaking hands or grabbing objects, turning doorknobs or holding a cup very difficult
The tears of the ligaments lead to inflammation and may put stress on the rest of arm, making it painful to lift and grasp objects.
The pain of Golfer’s elbow and Tennis elbow may resolve on its own. But if they are left untreated and are further agitated with strenuous activity, they can become chronic conditions. In the event that OTC pain relief, ice packs and avoiding rigorous movements which could exacerbate the condition do not resolve the problem, your doctor might recommend another approach such as a forearm strap or brace, physical therapy or surgery.
While other solutions promise the possibility of a quick recuperation, Summit Health Group has a method that can speed up the recovery process even more and offer a long- term solution: Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy. When the platelets from the plasma are isolated from the patient’s blood, they are injected back into the elbow. Because plasma has a high concentration of platelets and growth factors, PRP can help to rebuild the cellular structures in an afflicted area that encourage tissue growth and reduce inflammation. Other treatments such as corticosteroid injections which are commonly given, have not shown to be effective in the long-term. However, by restoring the tissue with a concentrated platelet preparation and other growth factors in the plasma, your elbow is provided with a natural and safe method to begin healing in a manner that revitalizes and strengthens your muscles and ligaments to help protect against further tearing.